In April 1881, Fanny Bartlett, aged 22, was an assistant schoolmistress living in her parent’s home at Rydon Cottages.
Early life
Fanny was born at Hardington on 18 February 1859. Her father, Henry, was a farm labourer; her mother, Ann, was the illegitimate daughter of Mary Park and William Lugg, a rope manufacturer.
Fanny was an assistant teacher at the village school from 1875 until 1882. When she left in April or May 1882, she was presented with a handsomely bound album “in recognition of her efficient services during the past seven years.”[1]
Married life
On 7 May 1883, she married Mark Samways, a carpenter from Brympton. Their first two sons were born at Hardington, and their next two at Preston Plucknett.
The family moved to Preston Plucknett between 1885 and 1888. In March 1901, Mark was a “worker,” but by 1911, he had his own building business.
In June 1919, Mark sold his stock in trade and effects and returned to employment.[2] In June 1921, he worked for Yeovil Borough Council Housing Scheme.
Fanny died on 30 June 1927, aged 68, and Mark died on 28 May 1932, aged 71. They were laid to at Preston Plucknett.
[1] Western Gazette, 5 May 1882, p. 6.
[2] Western Chronicle, 20 June 1919, p.2.